Autumn and winter flowers in Japan

Obara Fureai park, between sakura and momiji

Obara Fureai Park, between sakura and momiji

Centrip Japan

What flowers to admire this winter in Japan?

We often think of sunny days when we talk about flowers, but what about winter? In Japan, flowers grow year-round. Famous for the sakura in spring and sunflowers during the summer, the end of the year is also very favorable for hanami, the contemplation of flowers. Chrysanthemums, lycoris, and other beautiful flowers all bloom later in the year. Discover five flowers that only bloom from September in Japan. 

Chrysanthemums (September to November)


Introduced from China in the fifth century, the chrysanthemum is today symbol nobility and longevity in Japan. It is the Emblem of the Imperial Family, and the Chrysanthemum Seal is also on all Japanese passports that it flourishes with grace. It is venerated in all four corners of the country, and its finest specimens give rise to pruning competitions in the temples and gardens of Japan.

In winter, chrysanthemum festivals rain in Japan

In winter, chrysanthemum festivals rain in Japan

Wikimédia- Katorisi

Kinchakuda Lycoris Festival

Kinchakuda Lycoris Festival


Tree peonies (November to February)


While peonies grow mainly in spring, some Japanese varieties do grow in winter. Including peonies, they were imported to Japan in the eighth century by Buddhist monks from China.

Called fuyu botan (winter peonies), they are now found all over the country. Starting with Kyoto, since the city has used them to symbolize culture. 

Peonies in Ueno Toshogu

Peonies in Ueno Toshogu

Wikimédia - Daderot

Japanese Narcissus

Japanese Narcissus


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